
In Ope We Trust, Midwest Or Bust | 3" Vinyl Sticker

In Ope We Trust, Midwest Or Bust | 3" Vinyl Sticker


In the Midwest, we believe Ope can cover a multitude of sins. Ope precedes the apology and replaces the profanity. Forget to use your turn signal? Ope. Fumble your credit card at the register? Ope. Scooching your way down the aisle and you graze someone’s knees? Ope.

It’s the glue that holds the Midwest together.

This 3” sticker is made with durable, colorfast vinyl that withstands the elements and more than a few cycles through the dishwasher (though I’d recommend handwashing your stickered water bottle so it lasts longer!).

Ope, Imma Just Add To Cart
Ope Holographic Sticker IMG_4914.jpg

Ope Holographic Sticker
