Jillian Kaye Art

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3.17.17 [write_on 2017]

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Or at least, the time is approaching. April is National Letter Writing Month and it will be my third year participating in the Write_On campaign. If you enjoy writing letters, sending postcards, buying pretty stamps, collecting paper & envelopes, or making people happy - I encourage you to participate in April's letter writing spree! Here's the skinny: you write one letter a day and send it to someone. That's really it. Handwritten correspondence has gone by the wayside, I know, but answer me this: is there anything much better than opening up your mailbox to a personalized letter written just with you in mind? Emails, texts, and messages (not calls - I hate talking on the phone) are wonderful, but there's something truly heartwarming about the extra effort of writing out your thoughts.

I've been amassing a collection of cards, envelopes, stamps (vintage & current), vintage postcards, and more to send to my friends for this year's write_on. Last year, I had ten days of April in which I sent letters to ten random people who submitted their information on my write_on 2016 blog post. It was so wonderful - I loved picking through my collection of images and papers to find things that suited these wonderful strangers. That's why I want to do it again!

Here's the deal: if you'd like a letter, fill out the form below. If I get 15 people to submit, that's it - expect a letter some time in April! And if more than 15 people submit then I will randomly draw fifteen names from the list and send good vibes out into the universe for everyone who submitted their info. I don't mind sending letters internationally so, if you don't live in the US, please don't hesitate to submit your info, too! Good deal?


Here's a gallery of envelopes & mail I've sent during write_on the past couple of years. I spend wayyyy too much time decorating envelopes, but it's my joy to do it. Best of luck to you this April as you write your letters!